To prepare your skin and ensure maximum longevity of your Tan, I would advise you to adhere to the following Preparation and Aftercare advice:
- Exfoliate and moisturise the night before your tan, not on the day of your Tan. Moisturiser will act as a barrier
- Paint your nails to stop the spray staining them, especially if they are acrylics or similar
- Shave or wax at least 24 hrs prior to the tan. If you wax/shave within the 24hrs prior to your tan, your pores may still be open which will cause the solution to sit in them and cause dotting
- Remove all make up, lotions, deodorant, perfume and jewellery prior to having your tan
- Please also bring to my attention if you have any recent tattoo's, piercings, open/recent wounds or botox treatments. It is also recommended that you do not have a a spray tan if you are within your first trimester of pregnancy.
Your Treatment:
- Ladies - Wear dark underwear, bikini or I have paper g-strings
- Gentleman - Wear dark boxers/briefs or swim wear
- During your spray tan, I will ask you to stand in certain simple positions to allow perfect coverage, this will be explained before your session commences
- Wear loose dark clothes. Any tight clothing will drag your tan whilst getting dressed and tight clothing and underwear may cause wear marks
- Wear flip flops or loose fitting shoes
- Do not bath or shower for 8 -10 hours after your Tan as this is the development period of your Tan
- Do not exercise, sweat excessively or swim during the development period
- Pat your skin dry after bathing or showering. Rubbing your skin will a towel will have an exfoliating effect
- Try not to touch your skin too much following your Tan. I will show you that your hands are clear of tanning lotion. Any marks on your hands will be due to you touching your skin during the development period. You need to be aware that once your tan has developed, nothing will remove this from your palms. Top tip: Wear cotton gloves or socks on your hands in bed
- Strong make-up removers, soaps and cleansers can extract moisture from your skin taking the colour along with it. Switch to milder options to remove impurities from the surface of your skin without stripping your tan
- Moisturise, moisturise and moisturise some more!!
- Do not shave for a minimum of 12 hours after your Tan. If you do need to shave following your tan, gently run the razor over your skin so as not to strip your tan off. Waxing will strip your tan, so ensure you do this at least 24hrs hours prior to your treatment
- Gently exfoliate on day 5 to help the skin absorb more moisturiser
- Have regular Sienna X Spray Tan top ups. This will build and extend the life of your tan, giving you continuous colour without the effects of premature aging and skin cancer
Finally, love and enjoy your new Tan!